• .
  • <script src="https://lucma.dk/integrations/minuba/submitForm.js"></script>
  • <div id="minubaSubmitForm" data-authkey-minuba="[BRUGERNØGLE]" data-authkey-lucma="[BRUGERNØGLE]"></div>

All available parameter:
Name Type Required Description Example
data-authkey-minuba UUID True The Minuba authkey data-authkey-minuba="c56bebd6-f9a4-4e6e-a4a1-476c08b971ba"
data-authkey-lucma UUID True The Lucma authkey data-authkey-lucma="c56bebd6-f9a4-4e6e-a4a1-476c08b971ba"
data-is-order boolean False True if the qoute should be an orderdraft. data-is-order="true"
data-assign-current-user boolean False True if the owner of the authkey should be assigned to the order. data-assign-current-user="true"
data-add-budget boolean False True if the should have the budget added to the order data-add-budget="true"
data-ordertype UUID True Use a specific order type when create the order. data-ordertype="c56bebd6-f9a4-4e6e-a4a1-476c08b971ba"
data-language String False Specify a language for the submitform.
Accepted values: da-DK | sv-SE | en-US | nl-NL | nb-NO